PC Invasion - FeedDDD Sunday, July 3, 2022 1:35 AM  While playing through the base game in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak, I was able to group up with some players. However, switching to the expansion too early meant that there were long stretches when I had to slay beasts on my own. Truth be told, after seeing the same creatures over and over, it really got on my nerves. Thankfully, the expansion does have a quirky new system that should aid you when soloing. Here's our Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak guide to help you with Follower Quests and Support Surveys with your companions. Note: We'll have a Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak guides and features hub soon, so stay tuned. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak – Follower Quests, Support Surveys, and Companions guide The Follower Quests and Support Surveys in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak get unlocked once you reach Elgado Outpost. Specifically, you'll need to defeat Thunder Serpent Narwa in the base game's campaign, and then complete a mission to beat the Daimyo Her... |
PC Invasion - FeedDDD Sunday, July 3, 2022 12:30 AM  Malzeno is the third of the Three Lords in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. This Elder Dragon is a dangerous foe, one that will test your mettle after you're done with Garangolm and Lunagaron. Here's our Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Malzeno guide to help you defeat this challenge so you can progress further in the campaign. Note: We'll have a Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak guides and features hub soon, so stay tuned. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak – Malzeno guide You'll fight Malzeno in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak at Master Rank 5. It's going to take a while due to several hunts and other objectives, but you'll eventually get the "Witness by Moonlight" quest. Once you start it, you'll find the Malzeno in the Citadel, waiting for you in the eastern portion of the ruins. One particular threat in this battle is Bloodblight. This debuff is caused by some of Malzeno's attacks (i.e., anything that has a dark red glow, includin... |
PC Invasion - FeedDDD Sunday, July 3, 2022 12:20 AM  Lunagaron is the second of the Three Lords that you can face in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. This giant wolf is infused with the power of ice, and you need to watch out for its rapid attacks. Here's our Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Lunagaron guide to help you beat this werewolf opponent so you can increase your Master Rank further. Note: We'll have a Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak guides and features hub soon, so stay tuned. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak – Lunagaron guide You'll fight Lunagaron in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak around Master Rank 4. This occurs after taking out Garangolm (Master Rank 3), followed by a few more hunts and a special foe. Eventually, you'll get the "Ice Wolf, Red Moon" quest. Similar to the Garangolm, the Lunagaron is also in the Citadel, though it's further north in the ice-covered caverns. Given that your foe relies on frost attacks, you'll definitely want to wear ice resistance gear to help with su... |
PC Invasion - FeedDDD Sunday, July 3, 2022 12:15 AM  Garangolm is one of the Three Lords terrorizing Elgado Outpost in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. This massive gorilla has sturdy defenses, and it definitely packs quite a punch. Here's our Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Garangolm guide to help you defeat this powerful foe so you can advance further in the campaign. Note: We'll have a Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak guides and features hub soon, so stay tuned. Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak – Garangolm guide It's going to take you a while before you can fight Garangolm in Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak. To be clear, once you've started the expansion's campaign, you're only at Master Rank 1. Past that point, you'll have to complete several hunts to progress further. Eventually, at Master Rank 3, you'll get "A Rocky Rampage," the Urgent Quest that pits you against Garangolm in the Citadel. This beast is right in the middle of the central clearing (directly north of the spawn ... |